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Select your paper below you begin your success. We highly recommend candidates to take at least 3 times and score over 90% correct in each of the quizzes to yield a higher chance to pass in the exam. Please note the HKSI exam is getting more and more difficult. The official study manual may not cover all the possible questions tested in the real exams. Please do not underestimate the difficulty of the exam as only around 40-50% candidates can pass.
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Enhance Your Study Efficiency
Start by reading the official study manual thoroughly, then complete all of our practice questions at least three times. Focus on reviewing any questions you got wrong. Just before the exam, read the official manual one more time to boost your chances of passing.
Did you know?
The human brain processes information through both short-term and long-term memory. To effectively move information from short-term to long-term memory, repetition is key. Our question bank challenges you with similar concepts from various perspectives, helping your brain to solidify these ideas into long-term memories, often without you even realizing it. This approach increases your likelihood of success on the exam.